In 2021 Kira enrolled in school to study the Wise Woman Tradition, following a calling to deepen her relationship with the plant world. She held an intuitive feeling that many of our modern problems could be linked to seeing the natural world as other or separate. Also, that our aches, problems, and dis-ease are often viewed as things to be fixed. Instead of patching over our pains, Kira has been exploring what it would mean it focus on nourishment and flooding our body with all the goodness that it so craves. What if we stopped viewing our pain as brokenness and started seeing it as a helpful message of imbalance? …And so began Little Sister Apothecary.
I know a question Kira get’s a lot from people is “What does that medicine do?” or “What does it address?” And the answer is not simple. Yes, these plants contain herbal actions that target certain symptoms (of which I’ve experienced first hand), but what I’ve found is that it’s the relationship with the plants that acts as the vehicle for healing.
I’m not an expert on this stuff, but here’s what I have experienced: Taking time out my busy life to start my day with a cup of oat straw infusion (which I did daily for a year), meditating over a cup of infused schissandra berries, or slowly sipping a spicy adaptagenic elixir has put me right back where I need to be—in the moment and in my body. I’ve also noticed my anxiety dip, my hurt murmurs subside, and my energy increase.
Little Sister Apothecary was born out of the mission to help people connect back to themselves and their communities. I’ve seen it help our friends and family. It’s really powerful. The medicine is infused with intention and care, all done in ceremony. To all of our loved ones who have come to our home and shared a cup of tea or a home-cooked meal from Kira, you know her gift. I’m so grateful she now gets to share it even with more people.