inner dialogues 2

How to be on the side of love and compassion, without judgment or rules.

Love and compassion is anti-political.

yes when u meant no is worst than no.

People deserve space to surprise you, each person is a well of mystery.

What does it mean to be silent  in a time of suffering and how do we create room for those who are carrying the pain quietly, why did we decide that noise is the only form of release?

Careful with that story!

Fire Island stale bread makes world-class croutons. world. class.

I’m very afraid I’m going to complete all my kid’s homework assignments.

No hierarchy when it comes to vehicles of intimacy.

Resentment is Suppression of expression.

The danger of this or that thinking is that by saying one thing, people can latch on to what you aren’t saying.

Is there ever only one sufferer in an act of violence?

Don’t worry, the mind isn’t the only thing holding memories.

Be the sponge not the vacuum.