The memory of Summer in the city will always live with me. It’s easier now, in a mid-January cold-spell, to romanticize the heavy heat radiating off the pavement. In fact, on one of those dog days of August you may have caught me writing a love letter to Winter. Maybe I wish for the freedom of Summer, the weather aside, a period of time where the schedule has fallen away and infinite possibility has taken its place. This day, the day I captured these photographs, the Pope was in town. People had come from far away, taken off work, cut class, and joined in the streets. Everyone was a kid that day. Playing in the water fountains at city hall, dancing in the streets, waiting. Waiting to see one man who rode around in a funny little cart. Maybe he would shake your hand or bless your baby, maybe you just wanted to say you saw him. Whatever the reason, it was just one of those timeless days, where we remembered to be there.