Gratitude 3/17/23

Grateful that it’s the end of my first week back and that I got through it despite being sick. Grateful that we always get through it, although we never think we will. Grateful for the cold oat straw infusion that is infusing the air, water, and sun of the earth into me. Grateful for The Book of Delights and going out of one’s way to find delightful moments (like picking up this book for 4 minutes each morning). Grateful to wake up to a clean kitchen where my countertops are clean. My kitchen table is a still-life of my mind— last night it had bills, 1099s, Tupperware, and flower petals. Today it is empty. Grateful to get asked out on a date this weekend and to share in good food. Grateful to be in love with the woman who’s taking me on that date (she knows, it’s not a secret). Grateful to breathe, grateful to be here. Grateful to feel free.